Tuesday 17 June 2014

One year celebration! Tuesday: Top five places for inspiration


Welcome to Tuesday's post of my one year celebration!  Today I am focusing on my top five places for inspiration when making cards.  So sit back, grab a cup of your beverage of choice and enjoy the ride!

1) Your imagination!

Within every single persons mind is some form of imagination.  While some people seem to have more, there is nothing stopping you from designing something purely out of your imagination.  At the beginning of a card making journey it typically doesn't come easy to create something purely from your own thoughts but as you progress and learn new things it starts to become easier to form ideas because of your experience and expanding knowledge.

2) Pinterest.

Ok, fair warning: while pinterest is a wonderful place filled with inspiration, it is also a wonderful place filled with inspiration that will suck you in and consume your every thought if you aren't careful.  However, there is so much to explore, not just card inspiration but all manner of diy, recipes, makeup advice, home improvement, fashion, cool gadgets and exercise tips.  It is a great place to find inspiration and tutorials and just everything really.  So try not to sit on it all day pinning things and actually use your pins to inspire you to create and you will be golden.  Follow me on pinterest and see exactly where I get my inspiration from. http://www.pinterest.com/rorystar/

3) Youtube.

I am a visual learner, so watching other people make cards (and various other things) provides a really good source of inspiration for me.  I follow quite a few different channels so I'm going to list a few of my favourite ones here, but don't let it stop you from exploring youtube.  It is a vast place filled with all sorts of videos, not just ones of cats playing the piano.

  • Kristina Werner
  • Jennifer McGuire
  • Prairie Paper and ink
  • Pootles Papercraft
  • Vicky Papaiaonnou
  • Darlene DeVries
  • Simon's Cat (not a craft channel, but I love it!)

4) Blogs.

Like this one! Blogs are everywhere and contain content about pretty much everything so you can bet your last dollar that there are many card blogs out there (all with varying levels of coolness) that you can explore and gain inspiration from.  All the card making channels I listed above have their own blogs as well so if you don't like watching people make cards, you can skip all that and just view the pictures!

5) Card magazines.

I buy a handful of these every year mostly just getting the ones that have cool 'free' gifts with them.  But the magazines themselves contain lots of cards, info on current trends and techniques and other crafty projects with instructions and templates.  I quite enjoy reading these magazines in my downtime and I find myself repeatedly coming back to them over and over again.

That's it for today's post.  I hope you enjoyed reading about where I get my inspiration from.  Leave a comment and let me know how you get inspired!

Till tomorrow,

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